「Myth Defense:光の軍団」はいわゆるタワーディフェンス系と呼ばれるゲームの最高の要素を継承し、錬金術、ルーン、ランダムマップ、遠征などの興味深い機能を持つゲームです。
- バトルモード:4つの基本的なマップ+ランダムマップ
- 遠征:18マップ+エキストラ遠征プライズ。遠征を繰り返して何度も上位をねらうことが可能です。
- トロフィーとランク
- 様々なスキルの強化
- 22種類のタワー+3種類の特殊なトラップ(罠)
- タワーやモンスターの特別な機能
- 錬金術:ルーンを作成します。ルーンをタワーにプラグインすると、タワーの動作を向上させることができます。
- 戦場:沼地、水たまり、その他同様の仕掛けを用いた戦術が可能
- 難易度は全33レベル
- Game Center
- iCloud
- 複数の言語が選択可能
- 戦場のシーンでは、オリジナルの効果音とBGMによるパノラマサウンドを展開
- 初心者向けのヘルプアイテム
- Twitter, Facebook, VKontakte, Flickr, etc.
"Fieldrunners", "Sentinel", "Kingdom Rush" などのタワーディフェンスや作戦ゲームがお好きな方に、このゲームをお勧めします。
もっとゲームをお楽しみいただくために、サイトのハウツーをお読みください(英語): http://smartpixgames.com/faq.php#md_howtos
Youtube: https://tinyurl.com/mdlfvideo-ios
appdictions.com 4.5/5
appstorearcade.com 9.5/10
theiphoneappreview.com 4/5
"Games in this genre often promise in their description that it “brings a completely new experience”. This is usually a gross misrepresentation. Then along comes “Myth Defense: Light Forces” which doesn’t make any such claim and yet incorporates one of the biggest evolutions to the TD genre."
"Combining solid "tower defense" strategy, beautiful graphics, tons of upgrades and different game modes, Myth Defense: Light Forces must be the best "tower defense" game..."
"Helicopters will constantly undermine you and youll often find yourself overwhelmed by mace swinging orcs. But if you get beyond that, youll find a rich, engaging and highly rewarding experience."
"With the earning of GPs and artifacts, players can create a huge number of variations in their game(s), making Myth Defense Light Forces an extremely fun, entertaining, and engaging game."
"Myth Defense offers lovely visuals that are among the best. Its very well presented and there is no noticeable slowdown, even when the screen is bursting with towers, fireballs, arrows and goblins."
"Just watch this video and tell me this doesn’t look amazing. The developing company, Smartpix Games, has made your addiction extremely easy."
"The art and visuals are crisp and detailed, and the sound effects and music definitely make the game seem like an epic fantasy. There is a lot of content here. If you like "tower defense" games, this is probably going to satisfy your "tower defense"itch."
"Challenging without having to be irrationally complicated or impossible to progress hanging around. More Options than another "tower defense" I have come across."